Monthly Archives: December 2015

Livershunt or IHPSS in Wolfhounds

Inheritance of Livershunt (IHPSS) in Irish Wolfhounds

I wrote this article about the inheritance of livershunt (intrahepatic porto systemic shunt or IHPSS) in Irish Wolfhounds so that breeders might be able to better evaluate annotated pedigrees in families of dogs they are hoping to incorporate into their breeding programme. It first appeared in IW World magazine, in the spring of 2015.

I based the calculations used on the likely mode of inheritance described in this paper by Frank van Steenbeek


Jake the Ragdoll cat and Mast Cell Tumours

Jake died last week, he was only 11 yrs old. He had been ill for a short time and an x-ray at the vet revealed lots of small tumours. We chose to put him to sleep rather than let him slowly starve to death as he had already lost a lot of weight and stopped eating. We found out last night he had mast cell tumours. You can read about it here… Vet Times – Feline Mast Cell Tumours

Wistful Jake

Wistful Jake

Jake sleeping on top of Florrie

Jake and Florrie asleep together

Kitten Jake

How cute is a ragdoll kitten? The first time we saw Jake we could not resist him.