Monthly Archives: March 2016

New Irish Wolfhound Pedigree Database

It’s nearly here! A small group of us have been working for the last 18 months on a new free and open pedigree database for the Irish Wolfhound community, and in only 1 weeks time, it will launch.


On Sunday March 13th, will go public after 18 months work and 10 weeks of closed testing. We are very excited to finally allow everybody access to what we’ve worked long and hard for. is a free and open database of irish wolfhound pedigrees. It’s constructed to be a valuable tool for breeders, breed bodies and breed enthusiasts. Although a work in progress, we hope the first version will provide useful tools and data for the whole community.

Counting down to launch we will publish various findings and titbits from our work.

Most of the IWDB Work Group will be at Crufts around the irish wolfhound ring. You are very welcome to discuss the database with us either here or at Crufts.

You can find our Facebpook community page here… IWDB – Irish Wolfhound Database