Category Archives: Everyday Life with a Wolfhound

Happy Birthday to Myrtle

Yesterday was Myrtle’s 6th Birthday. As we head towards official veteran status (not that I think 7 years is old enough to be classed as a veteran) wolfhound birthdays become ever more precious. I don’t think though that anyone told Myrtle she was approaching the age of the veteran! Lol!

Here’s a link to her pedigree, Achnacon Banbha at Malinkey on

Here she is enjoying a day in the snow and the sunshine at work with Keith in the fields of the James Hutton Institute in Invergowrie, overlooking the Tay estuary.

Florrie chases Myrtle

Florrie chases Myrtle

Myrtle with hair blob

Myrtle with hair blob

Myrtle teases Florrie

Myrtle teases Florrie

Myrtle rolling in the stubble

Myrtle rolling in the stubble

Myrtle in front of the Tay

Myrtle in front of the Tay

Myrtle chasing Florrie

Myrtle chasing Florrie

Myrtle and Florrie

Myrtle and Florrie

Myrtle and Florrie stare at a gravy bone

Myrtle and Florrie stare at a gravy bone

Myrtle and Florrie sniff the air

Myrtle and Florrie sniff the air

Myrtle and Florrie in the stubble

Myrtle and Florrie in the stubble


Pneumonia in an Irish Wolfhound

Poor Haggis to be precise. This is my friends dog, Haggis, in the early stages of pneumonia – this can come on really quickly and it is very important that owners and vets recognise the signs and start treatment immediately. Please watch the video and familiarise yourself with the typical stance of a wolfhound suffering with pneumonia…

The Typical Stance of Pneumonia in an Irish Wolfhound

Pneumonia in an irish wolfhound from Per Arne Flatberg on Vimeo.

This video shows the typical stance of an irish wolfhound with pneumonia. If you see this in your Irish wolfhound, go straight to the vet and demand immediate treatment with antibiotics. The dog may or may not have fever, the blood samples may well be normal, and the lungs may or may not be congested on x-rays.
If not taken seriously, this condition will almost certainly be fatal for your dog. Please read the leaflet from the Irish Wolfhound Health Group for further info:

IW Health Group Guide to Pneumonia


Cutting your wolfhounds nails

How to cut your dogs nails

Cutting your dogs nails

I must admit I am not good at cutting my wolfhounds nails, but it is an important job and one that I should keep on top of. This diagram is very useful, showing how to cut the nail and avoid the quick. Though I always make sure I have something close by to stop the bleeding quickly if it does happen, because there can be a lot of blood! Myrtle has back and front dew claws so they get even longer and need more attention because they do not get worn down in the same way with outdoor walks.

Myrtle and Florrie both hate getting their nails cut, and always scarper as soon as they see the nail-clippers. It really is a nightmare job, but one that must be done.

I found the diagram online, it was doing the rounds on Facebook, so I’m afraid I don’t know who to credit – I only know it’s not mine. Anyway, whoever you are – thank you for making this useful tool freely available – it’s much appreciated by all of us.

Jake the Ragdoll cat and Mast Cell Tumours

Jake died last week, he was only 11 yrs old. He had been ill for a short time and an x-ray at the vet revealed lots of small tumours. We chose to put him to sleep rather than let him slowly starve to death as he had already lost a lot of weight and stopped eating. We found out last night he had mast cell tumours. You can read about it here… Vet Times – Feline Mast Cell Tumours

Wistful Jake

Wistful Jake

Jake sleeping on top of Florrie

Jake and Florrie asleep together

Kitten Jake

How cute is a ragdoll kitten? The first time we saw Jake we could not resist him.